Wonder why we are wonder women or wonder men?

As a Masters in Social Work graduate with living with lupus. A stroke survivor. An Asian American woman. Re-entering the workforce is very difficult because I do not look sick.   Brain fog has become a serious issue that I face on a daily basis. There are many times where I am in talking with that train of thought and I suddenly forget the next sentence or word. Then my co worker just stares at me and asks  "and.....?" Yes. I get frustrated. I get frustrated a lot. Knowing I have this condition, I really need to make sure I enforce and create a memory system that works for me. It sucks but I have to do it. I keep two calendars, a phone calendar and a notebook calendar with color coding to distinguish medical appointments and other appointments. Sticky notes are my best friends and I don't think I could ever live without them. I have a white board hanging on my fridge for daily tasks, grocery list or whatever. Many people say, "Oh you are too young for that" because they don't realize how lupus affects the brain and every other organ in your body. Personally, I don't need people to pity me. I don't need people to feel sorry for me because I can take care of myself. If I need help, I will reach out. Please don't give me unsolicited advise. It doesn't help. Disability can happen at any age or any time. So please just understand me. Be patient with me. If I am doing something wrong or if I did something wrong. Tell me directly.  I may be a bit slower. I might not get your jokes and I might not get your cues. But eventually, I will get it. Give me time.

Below is a song that I truly resonate with



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