Taming the Wolf in the Storm

Who am I? I am Laura Ng. But is Laura Ng my full identity? Am I just made up of letters? These are questions that constantly pop up in my mind. I will never forget that night in 1993 when the ambulance came and took me to the ER. Bright white lights shine through my eyes as if they were taking over my body. My head was bleeding and people in white coats surrounded me. After that, tests indicated a stroke affecting my right side of my brain. When I woke up, I was told I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; a severe form of lupus that affects all organs including the brain. There is no cure for it. However, there are medications and lifestyle changes to help manage it says the doctor. After hearing the news, my family and I were devastated, torn and didn't know what to do but listen to the doctors. My family and I were in denial for many years and I lost faith and hope in myself. My identity was shattered into a million pieces. I felt broken...