What are you thankful for?

Today, we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day in history in which the Native Americans and pilgrims gathered together to celebrate a successful harvest and peace.

What are you thankful? Below is my list.

1. Friends
2. Family
3. My healthcare team
4. My medication
5. My heat pad
6. Heated items
7. The Lupus Foundation of America
8. The Seattle Lupus Support Group
9. Lupus Warriors
10. Internet
11. Food
12. Shelter
13. Water
14. Not having a flare today
15. My church family
16. My salsa community
17. My yoga community
18. My iphone

Living with lupus can be especially challenging because of the stress, cold weather and inflammatory foods but today I suggest all of you eat whatever you want but be mindful at the same time.  It's a day to treat yourself and celebrate it with your loved ones.  But don't forget to say thank you. We often think Thanksgiving is all about football and lots of food. Below is a video that explains What you didn't know about Thanksgiving.


Here is a Lupus Survival Guide for Thanksgiving


Hope everybody eats well and be safe!



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